Kidznotes catalyzes social change

by providing comprehensive music education, leadership opportunities, and character-building experiences to children with the fewest resources and the greatest need.

Support Us
Our program is made possible through the generous support of individuals. Learn how you can support us here.

Enroll Your Student
Interested in enrolling your child in the Kidznotes program? All new and returning students must register here.

BIPOC child playing violin on stage and giving thumbs up

Learn More
Learn more about who we are, what we do, and why the Kidznotes program is so special here.


African American teenager playing violin at event
  • Higher school attendance and engagement

  • Improved academic performance

  • Social-emotional learning

  • Increase in self-determination and persistence

  • Teamwork and collaboration

“I donate to this program because I know how much I benefited from beginning early with violin lessons.
I still play in a community orchestra
in Chapel Hill and couldn’t live
without it at the ripe old age of 73.”

— Harriet, donor

“The greatest value Kidznotes offers is the community and socialization experienced while learning about music and how to play an instrument. It is beautiful to witness everyone learning and connecting through the international language of music. It is Very special.”

— Michael, parent

“Kidznotes creates a diverse community dedicated to lifting each other up in rigorous musical learning and enjoyment. That community is a treasure.”

— Elaine, parent