Meet the Kidznotes team. Our faculty is composed of creative, diverse, smart (and wildly talented) individuals with varying backgrounds and experiences in the world of music. Our students are incredibly fortunate to have these experts serving as their mentors, guides, and friends.

  • black woman with a flower in her hair

    Tokay Allen

    Mozarts Program General Music

  • brown skinned woman wearing a graduation cap and gown smiling

    Caroline Armfield


  • white woman with long dark hair hold violins with glasses

    Susan Barak

    Mozart Program, Violin

  • Venezuelan woman stands with cello

    Beideth Briceño


  • White woman smiles and holds flower

    Emma Dunlap-Grube


  • Venezuelan woman smiles

    Genesis Escobar

    Violin, Strings, Mozarts Program

  • Black man with goatee smiling

    Lynn Grissett

    Brass, Modern Chamber Ensemble

  • White young adult playing violin outdoors

    Micky Hickey

    Upper Strings

  • young white women with long blond hear in purple dress

    Keelin McLoughlin

    Choir Accompanist

  • Black woman with glasses and white blouse

    Yolana Murrell


  • Anthony Newell


  • Asian woman in black blouse, smiling

    Lillian Park

    Piano, Keys for Kids Program

  • Venezuelan man with glasses and drumsticks

    Rosendo Peña Suarez


  • female with long dark hair

    Tina Rippe

    Winds, Beginning Band

  • White man with bald head and glasses

    Kenneth Stewart

    Modern Chamber Ensemble